De rectrix (Meulenhoff, 1995) was published under the pseudonym ‘Simon Bottema’. The novel relates the events at a gymnasium from the first day until the last day of a school year.
Oog in oog met je dubbelganger (Eye to Eye with your Double)
Copycat – oog in oog met je dubbelganger (Ploegsma, 2011) is a young adult thriller by daughter & father Laura and Simon Burgers. There is only a Dutch version available. For more information, also in English, see
Trailer (with music by Simon Burgers)
Het Morelli principe
Drie dagen om een ramp te voorkomen (Three Days to Prevent a Catastrophe)
Het Morelli principe – drie dagen om een ramp te voorkomen (Ploegsma, 2014) is the second young adult thriller by daughter & father Laura and Simon Burgers.
Logisch & kritisch denken (‘Logical & Critical thinking’)
Logisch & kritisch denken (2015) is a study book for higher education. It concerns the formal as well as the psychological aspects of clear thinking.