“Exuberant”, “Swinging and minimalistic”, “Aggressive noise”, “The piece of the evening”, “…doesn’t give a hopeful image of present and future”. Impossible to grasp my music in one characteristic. From avant-garde to fairytale sounds, from electronic beats & rap to chamber music. Be my guest and listen!
‘Mijn broer’ for spoken voice & electronics on the famous, mysterious poem by Hendrik de Vries, spoken by Adriaan van Dis. Premiere took place September 22, 2024, in De Balie, Amsterdam.
‘Morfine’ (2020-22), text written and spoken by Adriaan van Dis
‘Interstices’ (2019 – 2020) for spoken voice & tape
‘Trio’ for violin, cello & piano (2018)
‘Ten’ (2016) for harp solo“Pastiche!” for bass clarinet & tape. Here a registration (1994) with Erik van Deuren. ‘Feast in the fields of yellow corn’. Here a live-recoording by the NBE on januar 1th 2004.
‘Spring Is Forgetting Us’ with a video animation by Alexis Aravantinos (2019)